White Knight and White Wizard are rare species of philodendron. They are both known for their beautiful, variegated leaves. However, constantly these plants are misidentified as one another. So, what are the key differences between Philodendron White Knight Vs. White Wizard ?

Philodendron White Knight Vs. White Wizard

The stem color is the main difference between Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard. Philodendron White Knight has a dark purple stem with white variegation, while Philodendron White Wizard has a light green stem with white variegation.

If this difference is not enough to identify these two plants, then we have gathered some more information on the key differences between Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard.

Philodendron White Knight Vs. White Wizard : A summary

Plant NamePhilodendron White KnightPhilodendron White Wizard
Foliage TextureSmall White PatchesLarge White Patches
Foliage SizeSmaller LeavesLarger Leaves
Stem ColorDark purple stem with white variegationLight green stem with white variegation
Growth RateFastFast
Usda Hardiness Zone10-1110-11
Mature Height8-10 feet8-10 feet
Light ExposureBright, IndirectBright, Indirect
Watering1-2 Times Per Week1-2 Times Per Week
SoilAiry, Well-DrainedAiry, Well-Drained
Soil Ph5 -75 -7

Philodendron White Knight Vs. White Wizard : Differences

Let’s discuss the differences between both plants first.

Foliage Texture

When looking at just one plant, you may not be able to differentiate anything as the texture seems identical to each other. But, when you compare the two plants side by side, you’ll see that Philodendron White Wizard’s leaves have larger white patches and are more glossy, while Philodendron White Knight’s leaves have smaller white patches and a more matte texture.

The amount of white variegation is also different between these two plants. Philodendron White Knight has more white on its leaves, while Philodendron White Wizard is mostly green with less white variegation. But, when White Wizard produces white patches, they will be massive.

Foliage Size

Another key difference is the size of their leaves. Philodendron White Wizard has much larger leaves, often growing up to 12 inches wide and 18 inches long. On the other hand, Philodendron White Knight has smaller leaves that grow slightly smaller than the White Wizard.

However, this will not be much of a difference as both plants are still considered to be of medium size.

Stem Color

As we mentioned before, the stem color is the most noticeable difference between these two plants. Philodendron White Knight has a dark purple stem with white variegation, while Philodendron White Wizard has a light green stem with white variegation.

Some White Knight plants, however, may have burgundy color stems rather than purple stems but will never be green like the White Wizard.

Variegation Pattern

The final difference is in the variegation pattern of the leaves. Philodendron White Knight leaves have random splashes of white, while Philodendron White Wizard leaves have a more consistent, horizontal variegation pattern.

Philodendron White Knight Vs. White Wizard

Philodendron White Knight Vs. White Wizard : Similarities

Now that we know the main differences between Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard, let’s discuss some of the similarities between these two plants.

Foliage Shape

The shape of the leaves is one resemblance between these two plants. Both Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard have heart-shaped leaves. As a result, both plants are frequently mislabeled and missold as one another, particularly when the plant is young, and the leaves have not yet fully formed.

Foliage Color

Another similarity is the overall color of their leaves. Both plants have green leaves with white variegation. The amount of white on the leaves may differ slightly, but both plants will have more green than anything else.

Growth Habit

Both Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard are vine plants that grow horizontally. They will both climb up trees, fences, or any other support they can find. However, they will not grow as vigorously as some other philodendron species.

Growth Rate

Like many other Philodendrons, both Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard have a fast growth rate. These plants can grow up to 4 inches per week if they are in the right environment. If you are looking for an indoor plant that will quickly fill a space, then either of these would be a good choice.

Mature Size

Both plants will reach a similar mature size. Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard will both grow to be about 8-10 feet long (with proper support). However, the White Wizard may grow slightly larger than the White Knight because of its foliage size.


Another similarity between these two plants is that they can both be pruned. If you want to keep either of these plants smaller, you can prune them back. Pruning the plants will also help to encourage new growth, so if your plants look a bit sparse, you can give them a trim to help them along.

Soil Preferences

Both Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard prefer well-draining, moist soils. The solid should be airy and loose, not compacted. Both plants do very well with organic potting soil like peat moss or coco coir.

You can also use perlite, compost, peat moss, or orchid bark to create your own potting mix. It is important to keep the soil moist but not wet. When the soil becomes too dry, the leaves begin to brown and wilt. The roots will decay if the soil becomes too damp.

Lighting Requirements

Another similarity between these two plants is their lighting requirements. Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Both plants require around 8 to 10 hours of bright, indirect light daily. However, they can tolerate a little direct sunlight for about 4 hours daily. Any more than that will harm the plant.

Never expose plants to full direct sunlight, particularly young ones, as this will burn their leaves, especially white areas. If the white areas turn brown or red, this is a sign of sunburn. If there is not enough light, both plant’s leaves will return to a simple green color – and it may never variegate again.

Watering Preferences

These plants also have similar watering preferences. Both Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard like to have evenly moist soil. This means the soil should be moist but not waterlogged. Water your plant when the top two inches of soil are dry to achieve this. When you do water, water thoroughly until water comes out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Never let these plants sit in water, as this will cause the roots to rot.

Fertilizing Preferences

Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard also have similar fertilizing preferences. Both plants like to be fertilized about once a month during the spring and summer. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer will work well for these plants.

During the fall and winter, you can cut back on fertilizing to about once every two months.

Humidity Preferences

Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard prefer humid conditions. These plants like to have around 60-80% humidity. If the air is too dry, the leaves will start to brown and wilt. To enhance the humidity around your plant, use a humidifier or a pebble tray. A pebble tray is a tray that contains rocks or pebbles as well as water. The water will evaporate, raising the humidity level around your plant.

You can also spritz your plant a couple of times per week with water. Just be careful not to over-mist the foliage since this might cause leaf spots.

Temperature Preferences

The final similarity between these two plants is their temperature preferences. Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard both prefer warm temperatures. They like to be in environments that are between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature gets too cold, these plants will start to experience leaf drops. If the temperature gets too warm, the leaves will begin to wilt and turn brown.

Common Pests and Diseases

Both Philodendron White Knight and White Wizard are susceptible to common houseplant pests like mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites. These pests can cause leaf yellowing, stunted growth, and leaf drop. To prevent pests, keep your plant clean and free of debris. Inspect your plant regularly for any pests and remove them with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

These plants are also susceptible to common diseases like root rot, leaf spot, and powdery mildew. These diseases can be caused by too much water, too little light, or poor air circulation. To prevent diseases, ensure you are correctly watering and fertilizing your plant. Also, ensure that your plant has enough light and good air circulation.

Which One Is Better, Philodendron White Knight Or White Wizard?

Personally, I like the Philodendron White Wizard because of its large foliage size and white texture. I also like that it is a little more tolerant of lower light levels than the Philodendron White Knight.

What do you think? Do you like the Philodendron White Knight or White Wizard better? Let me know in the comments below!

Credit to : Tasteful Nodes

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