The pumpkin and cucumber plants are both vining plants belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. Therefore, both plants have similarities as well as differences. If you are a novice gardener, you won’t find any differences between these plants when they are small, as both have heart-shaped leaves with jagged edges. However, as they mature, the differences between these two plants will start to surface. This article is the best way to distinguish the difference between a pumpkin plant vs cucumber plant and their similarities.

To determine your exact plant, you will have to wait until the second set of leaves appears. Both plants will have lobed leaves, but the lobes are more prominent on the pumpkin plant. Also, the pumpkin plant’s leaves are more deeply divided than the cucumber plant’s.

However, identifying these plants is not as easy as you might think. There are different types of pumpkin plants and cucumber plants, which makes it difficult to tell them apart.

Pumpkin Plant Vs Cucumber Plant

Pumpkin Plant Vs Cucumber Plant Differences

Growth Habit

The growth habits of these two plants are completely different. The pumpkin plant is a trailing vine, while the cucumber plant is a climbing vine. This means that the pumpkin plant will grow horizontally along the ground. The cucumber plant, on the other hand, will grow vertically up support.

The cucumber plant can actually grow horizontally, but the fruit will not be as big or as good quality. Further, cucumbers may rot if they touch the wet ground.


Another dissimilarity between these two plants is their leaves. The pumpkin plant has large, lobed leaves, while cucumber plants have smaller, notched leaves. The size difference is due to the fact that the pumpkin plant is a much larger plant than the cucumber plant.

The lobed leaves of the pumpkin plant help to distinguish it from other plants in the Cucurbitaceae family. It has five lobes, with the center lobe being the largest. The lobes are deeply indented and have a jagged edge.

The cucumber plant’s leaves are much smaller, but they are also deeply indented. The leaves have a notched shape, with the center notch being the deepest. The edges of the leaves are smooth.

Leaves Size

Pumpkin leaves can grow up to 12 inches wide, while cucumber leaves only grow to about 4 inches wide. So, you can easily differentiate these two plants when they are fully mature just by looking at the size of their leaves.


Pumpkin and cucumber plants also have tendrils, which are thin, thread-like structures that help the plant climb. The tendrils of the pumpkin plant are shorter and thicker than the tendrils of the cucumber plant.

The tendrils of the cucumber plant are longer and thinner than the tendrils of the pumpkin plant. They are also more numerous.

The tendrils of the cucumber plant grip onto a fence or other support structure, while the tendrils of the pumpkin plant grip over the ground, eventually forming a mat.

Pumpkin Plant Vs Cucumber Plant


Pumpkin and cucumber plants have different-shaped flowers. The pumpkin plant has large, yellow, globe-shaped flowers that grow singly all over the vine. Each pumpkin flower has five petals that are fused at the base.

The cucumber plant has smaller, yellow, cylindrical-shaped flowers that grow singly or in clusters. The flowers have five petals that are not fused at the base.

Flower Base

The base of the female pumpkin flower resembles a small, green pumpkin. The base of the male pumpkin flower is long and slender.

On the other hand, the base of the female cucumber flower resembles a small, green cucumber. The base of the male cucumber flower is also long and slender.

This difference is distinct even before the fertilization of the flowers. After fertilization, the base of the female pumpkin flower will swell and eventually turn into a pumpkin fruit. The base of the female cucumber flower will also swell and turn into a cucumber fruit.


Probably the most noticeable dissimilarity between these two plants is the fruit. Pumpkin plants produce large, round fruits that are orange or yellow in color. The fruits have a hard outer shell and are filled with seeds.

Cucumber plants produce long, slender fruits that are green in color. The fruits have soft outer skin and are filled with water.

The difference in the size and shape of the fruit is due to the fact that pumpkins are actually a type of squash. All squash, including pumpkins, has fruits that are large and round. Cucumbers, on the other hand, are in the same family as melons. This means that their fruits are long and slender.

Pumpkin Plant Vs Cucumber Plant

Pumpkin plants Vs Cucumber plants Similarities

Now that you know the differences between these two plants, you can easily tell them apart. However, there are some similarities between them as well. For instance, both plants are in the same family, meaning they have many of the same characteristics. Both plants have tendrils, leaves, and flowers. The stems of both plants are also similar in structure. They are hairy and pentangular. Both plants’ flowers are unisexual, meaning each flower has either male or female reproductive organs.

The fruits of both plants are also similar in that they are fleshy and have seeds. However, the similarities end there. The cucumber’s fruit is a berry, while the fruit of the pumpkin is a pepo. Pepos are a type of squash that has a hard outer shell.

The biggest similarity between these two plants is that they are both vines. This means that they will grow horizontally along the ground or vertically up support. Both plants need some sort of support to grow properly.

Pumpkins and cucumbers also have quite similar growing requirements. They both need sun and well-drained soil. They also prefer warm weather and will not tolerate frost.

Both plants are also annuals, which means that they only live for one growing season. This is why you need to replant them every year if you want to have a continuous supply of pumpkins or cucumbers.

Pumpkins and cucumbers are also both grown for their fruits. People eat the fruits of both plants, although they are used in different ways. Pumpkins are typically used in pies or jack-o-lanterns, while cucumbers are used in salads or pickles.

Final Words

The similarities between these two plants are due to the fact that they are in the same family. However, the differences are what make these plants unique. When you see a pumpkin plant, you know it is a pumpkin plant. When you see a cucumber plant, you know it is a cucumber plant.

The next time you are at the garden store, take a closer look at the pumpkins and cucumbers. Notice the differences in their leaves, flowers, and fruits. Then, try to find some of their similarities. You might be shocked by how similar these two plants are.

Pumpkin Plant Vs Cucumber Plant


Can pumpkin and cucumber be planted together?

You can plant pumpkins and cucumbers together, but they will need to be in separate areas. This is because both plants have different growing requirements. Pumpkins need full sun, while cucumbers prefer partial shade. In addition, pumpkins need well-drained soil, while cucumbers need moist soil.

How long do cucumbers take to grow?

It takes cucumbers about 50-70 days to grow from seed to harvest. This depends on the variety of cucumber that is being grown. Some cucumber varieties can take up to 120 days to mature.

What is the best month to plant cucumber?

You can plant cucumber plants in the spring as soon as the soil has warmed up. Cucumbers prefer warm weather and will not tolerate frost. The best time to plant cucumbers in most areas is in March and April. However, you can also plant cucumbers in late May or early June.

Do pumpkins need a trellis?

Pumpkins do not need a trellis, but they will benefit from one. A trellis will support the pumpkin plant and help keep the fruits off the ground. This will help prevent rot and pests. In addition, a trellis can make it easier to harvest the pumpkins.

Credit to: Organic Edible Garden

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