Onion is the main ingredient in our kitchen and I am sure your mother would also agree with me. It is so popular it is hard to find a dish prepared without onion. There is a reason behind this popularity. They are easy to grow and can be started from seed, making them a great option for home gardeners. But, when I try to grow them they fall over, this happens to me a few times and it is frustrating. As I found later there are several reasons for onion seedlings falling over.

The most common is that the seedlings are not getting enough water. Onion seedlings need to be kept moist but not soggy; if they dry out, they will start to fall over. There are several other reasons, such as too hot weather, that can also make onion seedlings fall over. But don’t worry, there are solutions to each problem.

Let’s look at why your onion seedlings might be falling over and what you can do to fix it.

Onion Seedlings Falling Over

Why Are My Onion Seedlings Falling Over?

Growing onions from the seeds take some patience, as they can take a few weeks to germinate. Once they do sprout, however, they grow quickly and can be transplanted into the garden. But sometimes, even after all that waiting, onion seedlings may fall over, which can upset you.

Suppose you see your onion seedlings falling over but not wilting. There’s nothing much to worry about. There are simple solutions to fix this problem. LLet’shave a look at the causes of onion seedlings dropping over and what you can do to stop it.

Causes of Onion Seedlings Falling Over And Solutions


When onion seedlings are underwatered, they can quickly fall over. This is because the roots haven’t had a chance to grow deep enough yet to take up water from the soil. When this happens, the onion plant will start to droop, and the leaves will start to fold inwards.

If the seedlings don’t get enough water, you’ll notice dried soil around the base of the plant. Also, the leaves might start to turn yellow or brown.

If you catch the cause early enough, you can save the seedlings by watering them thoroughly. Ensure to give them plenty of water until the soil is moist all the way down to the bottom of the onion pot or tray. You may also need to increase the frequency of watering until the roots have had a chance to grow deeper.

Too Hot Weather

If the weather is too hot, onion seedlings can start to fall over. This is because they are not used to high temperatures, and the leaves can start to droop. The soil can also dry out quickly in hot weather, which can cause the seedlings to fall over.

You can try to shade the seedlings from the hot sun to fix this problem. You can do this by putting a piece of cloth or paper over the top of the pot or tray. If the seedlings are in the ground, you can try to put a piece of cardboard or wood over them. If you grow the onions indoors, you can also try to turn down the temperature. This is not always possible, but it can help if the seedlings are in a very hot room.

Too Long Leaves

In some cases, the onion seedlings can fall over because the leaves are too long. Onion seedlings grow longer and produce more leaves as they mature. It is normal for the first leaves to die and for the tips of older leaves to turn brown. As they grow taller, they tend to bend from the middle and flop over because it becomes more challenging for them to support their own weight.

There are a few reasons why longer leaves of onion seedlings might fall over: The most common reason is that the onion seedling is too tall for its current pot or growing space. As the onion plant grows taller, the leaves become heavier, making it harder for the stem to hold them up.

The solution to this problem is simple. When you see longer leaves bending over, give the plant a haircut by snipping off the top of the plant. This will make the plant shorter and bushier and help support the weight of the leaves.

Another possibility is that there is too much competition for light and nutrients. When several plants are growing close together, they will start to compete for resources like light and water. This can affect one or more of the plants to topple. The solution to this problem is to transplant the seedlings into larger pots or into the ground. This will offer them more room to grow while also reducing resource competition.

Onion Seedlings Falling Over

What To Do If My Seedlings Fall Over

If you are not sure what could be the reason for your seedlings falling over, here is a list of possible solutions:

  • Check the soil moisture – water the seedlings thoroughly if the soil is too dry.
  • Check the temperature – if it is too hot, try to shade the seedlings or turn down the temperature.
  • Check the length of the leaves – if they are too long, try trimming them back.
  • Check for competition – if the seedlings grow close together, try transplanting them into larger pots or the ground.

If you are still not sure what is causing your seedlings to fall over, you can ask for help from a gardening expert. They will be able to diagnose the cause and give you specific advice on how to fix it.

Preventing Onion Seedlings From Falling Over

The best way to prevent onion seedlings from falling over is to start with healthy plants. Make sure to choose a good quality seedling mix and Planting Onion Seeds. You can also try to provide the seedlings with ideal growing conditions. This includes planting them in well-drained soil, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged, and providing them with plenty of sunlight.

You can try to provide a grow light to the seedlings if you are growing them indoors. This will help them get the light they need to grow strong and healthy. Finally, make sure to transplant the seedlings into larger pots or the ground when they get too big for their current pot. This will provide them more space to grow and will help prevent them from falling over.

Transplanting Onion Seedlings

When transplanting onion seedlings, it is important to choose a large pot to accommodate the roots. Drainage holes should be included in the pot to allow excess water to drain. Fill the pot with a good quality seedling mix, and make sure to water it thoroughly before transplanting the seedlings.

To transplant, the seedlings, carefully remove them from their current pot and place them in the new pot. Water the seedlings thoroughly after gently patting down the soil around them. Place the onion pot in a sunny location and keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

Onion Seedlings Falling Over

Trimming Onion Seedlings

Trimming onion seedlings is a good way to prevent them from falling over. When you prune a plant, you are actually helping it to grow stronger and produce more growth. Pruning signals the roots, telling them that they need to work harder. Trimming the seedlings can benefit you in the long term as it leads to more growth rings and bigger onions when they mature.

When trimming the seedlings, make sure to cut them back to a height of about 6 inches (15 cm). Cutting the seedlings back will make them shorter and bushier, which will help support the weight of the leaves. It will also reduce the competition for resources like light and water.

To trim the seedlings, use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. Cut the stem of each seedling at a 45-degree angle, about 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the soil line. After trimming the seedlings, water them thoroughly and place them in a sunny location. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

Tip: Do not throw away your cuttings because you can use them in your kitchen as a salad topping or a garnish for soup. You can also use them in your compost pile.

Watering Onion Seedlings

It is important to water onion seedlings regularly to prevent them from drying out. The soil should be slightly damp but not soggy. Water the seedlings in the morning so that the leaves have time to dry out before nightfall. Water them at the plant’s base, being careful not to wet the leaves.

If the leaves of the seedlings start to turn yellow, this is a sign that they are not getting enough water. Water the seedlings more frequently, and make sure to water them thoroughly.

Fertilizing Onion Seedlings

It is important to fertilize onion seedlings to ensure they are getting the nutrients they need to grow. Fertilize the seedlings every two weeks using a balanced fertilizer. You can also add compost or manure to the soil to provide the seedlings with additional nutrients. Follow the fertilizer package instructions carefully, as too much fertilizer can burn the seedlings’ roots.

Onion Seedlings Falling Over

Why Matured Onions Fall Over And What To Do?

As the onion matures, the plant starts to put all its energy into the bulb. The leaves turn yellow and die as a result. The plant will eventually fall over when the bulb is ready to harvest. This is normal, and there is no reason to be worried. Once the plant has fallen over, you can dig up the bulb and cure it for storage. Make sure to harvest the onions before the first frost of the season.


A number of different factors can cause onion seedlings to fall over, but the most common cause is underwatering. Other causes include too hot weather, too long leaves, and transplanting seedlings into a pot that is too small. To prevent onion seedlings from falling over:

  1. Begin with healthy plants and provide them with the best growing conditions possible.
  2. Transplant them into a larger pot when they are big enough, and water them regularly.
  3. Trim the seedlings back to a height of 6 inches (15 cm) to help them grow stronger.

If your onion seedlings are already falling over, try to prop them up by watering them thoroughly and placing them in a sunny location. If the leaves spring back within hours, you will know for sure that underwatering was the problem.

Credit to : Carrie’s Gardening Channel

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Hello, I'm Dr. Chamika. I am a Researcher in Environment and Water quality, Aquatic organisms, and Environmental chemistry. My mission is to help other. You can use this knowledge to enhance your life THE BEST environments you possibly can.

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