Morels are one of the favorite edible mushrooms for many mushroom hunters. These morel mushrooms are found in the wild and are known for their unique, honeycomb-like appearance on the cap. Fortunately, they are hard to find in the wild but can be cultivated indoors. In both cases, one must know how long it takes for Morels to grow. So do you know how long does it take for morels to grow?

Overall, it will take around two weeks for morel mushrooms to grow into a fruiting body. You may find new mushrooms from your courtyard overnight, but it is a process of about 12 to 15 days. To understand this further, we need to be familiar with the morphological development of a morel. This article will explain the steps of “morel mushroom fruiting body” formation so that you can estimate how long it will take for your mushrooms to grow.

How Long Does It Take For Morels To Grow

How do morels grow?

The fruiting body of morel is the part that we see and eat. It is the result of many stages of growth, which can be summarized in the following five steps:

  1. Mycelium Growth
  2. Primordia Formation
  3. Pinning
  4. Maturation
  5. Fruiting

Mycelium Growth:

The mycelium is the underground fragment of the morel that consists of a network of white filaments. This is the vegetative stage where the morel mushroom grows and spreads its roots (mycelium) through the substratum. Depending on the temperature and other conditions, this stage can last for a few days to weeks.

Primordia Formation:

Small bumps will start to form after the mycelium has grown and spread throughout the substratum. These small bumps are called primordia, and they will begin to grow and develop into the fruiting body of the morel mushroom. This primordia stage can last for a few days to a few weeks.


The primordia will start to grow and develop into the fruiting body of the morel mushroom. This pinning stage can last for about three days.


After the primordia have developed into the fruiting body of the morel mushroom, the mushroom will continue to grow and mature. This process can take a few days.


After the primordia have developed into the fruiting body of the morel mushroom, the mushroom will continue to grow and mature. This fruiting process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. During this stage, the morel mushroom will start to produce spores and will eventually die.

How Long Does It Take For Morels To Grow

How long does it take for morels to grow?

It will take around 12 days for a mushroom to grow from the mycelium stage to the pinning stage. Once the mushroom starts to grow its fruiting body, it takes about three days to grow into “what we say as the mushroom.” Since we are interested only in the fresh fruiting body, we can assume that it takes around 12 to 15 days for morels to grow. It is important to note that the time it takes for a morel mushroom to fruit will vary depending on the conditions, such as temperature and humidity.

Do morels grow overnight?

Many believe that it takes only one day for morels to grow when conditions are right. But, this is not true. It takes around 12 to 15 days for morels to grow into mushrooms that we can eat. However, the fruiting body grows fast once it reaches the Primordia stage and when conditions are favorable. That is why you see morels overnight.

Morels In The Wild

Morels are wild mushrooms, and the best place to find morels is in the wild. However, it is hard to find these mushrooms in the wild because they are rare. Therefore, it is important to know where and when morels grow.

Where do morels grow?

Morels require decaying organic matter to grow. So, you can find morels in the wild near dead and decaying trees. Morels also commonly grow near ash trees. But it is not uncommon to see morels under or around decaying stumps, logs, or branches. They also grow around burned or logged woodlands and in fields and lawns.

Do morels grow near pine trees?

Yes. Morels prefer to grow near pine trees because the acidic soil pine tree creates perfect for morels. Further, morels share a mutual symbiotic association with the roots of pine trees called mycorrhiza, which helps both the tree and mushroom to thrive.

Do morels grow near ferns?

Yes. Morels grow near ferns and fiddleheads. It’s not that these plants help morels to grow near them, but both morels and ferns grow in the same season and habitat. So, it is not unexpected to find them near each other.

Do morels grow where chanterelles grow?

Usually, chanterelles grow in more acidic solids, while the morels prefer to grow around limy solids. So, they generally do not grow in the same place, but it is not uncommon to see both mushrooms in the same area because chanterelles can also grow in limy solids. However, there is a high chance of finding morel where chanterelles grow because they share the same habitat.

Do morels grow after rain?

Yes. Morel mushrooms usually grow after rain because the rain creates perfect temperature conditions and moistens the ground, which helps the mushrooms to grow. In fact, morels will not fruit if the soil is too wet. Morels require around 60 degrees or up in the daytime and night temperatures around 40 degrees Fahrenheit to grow. They usually start popping up when the temperature is around 45 to 50 degrees.

The rain will help to keep the ground temperature around these ideal conditions.

How Long Does It Take For Morels To Grow

When do morels grow?

Morels typically start to fruit when the weather starts to warm up in the springtime. However, you can find morels as early as February in some areas and as late as August in others. They usually grow when there is adequate rainfall in the area, which may vary depending on where you are located. In general, morels grow in the springtime when the temperature is right, and the rain falls.

Do morels grow in the fall?

No. Morels usually do not grow in the fall. It requires specific temperature and climate conditions for morels to fruit, which is not usually found in the fall. So, it is rare to find morels in the fall. If you find a morel mushroom in your courtyard during the fall, more likely it is a false morel that can be dangerous to eat. So, we advise you to avoid eating morels you find in the fall.

What month do morels come up?

Morels typically come up in the springtime when the temperature is right and adequate rainfall. However, you can find morels as early as February in some areas and as late as August in others. The usual morel season is from late March through May. Therefore, the best time to look for morels is during these months.

What is the best state to find morels?

There is no perfect answer to this issue because morels can be found in all 50 states. However, some states are known to have a higher concentration of morels, such as Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. So, if you are looking for morels, these states might be an excellent place to start your search.

What is the best time of day to hunt morels?

The best time of the day to hunt morels is during the daytime, right after heavy rainfall. Morels typically fruit after heavy rain, so this is the best time to find them. However, you can also find morels early morning or late evening.

When is the best time to pick morels?

Morels are typically ready to pick when fully mature and the cap is fully open. However, you can pick them when they are still immature, and the cap is not open yet. So, it is up to you when you want to pick them up. However, we advise you to avoid picking over-mature morels because they might be tough to eat.

Can you find morels in the winter?

No. Morels do not typically grow in the winter because the temperature is too cold for them to fruit. So, it is rare to find morels in the winter.

Morel Cultivation

As you see, finding morels in the wild is not easy as it seems. Some people have started cultivating morels to get a steady supply of these mushrooms. You can grow the morels in a controlled environment, such as in a greenhouse or on logs. If you are interested in growing morels, here is some info to get you started.

How Long Does It Take For Morels To Grow

How to grow morels indoors?

To grow morel indoors ( well, technically outdoors, but at home), you need to find a spot with decaying matters. A place near a dying tree would be good, or you could also try to grow them on a log. For morel spores to grow successfully,

  • The substrate should have decaying organic matter
  • The substrate should receive less than three hours of direct sunlight per day
  • The area should be around 55-70 degrees F
  • The humidity level should be about 95%

If your selected area meets these requirements, you can try to start morel cultivation. To do so, you will need the following items:

  • spawn
  • morel spores and
  • a log or some substrate.

First, you need to soak the morel spores in disinfected water for about 24 hours. This will help break down the spores’ cell walls and make them more receptive to germination. Next, you need to prepare the soil or substrate that you will be using to grow the morels. The substrate should be a mix of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. If you can not find these ingredients, you can use peat moss, wood chips, and ash.

The morel soil mix should be damp but not wet. You can add some organic matter to the mix, such as leaves, bark, or twigs.

Once the substrate is prepared, you will need to hoe up a morel growing area in your selected spot. The morels will need room to grow, so make sure to hoe up a site that is at least 4 square feet. After the morel area is hoed, you will need to inoculate the area with the morel spores. To do this, you can use a garden rake or a shovel. Apply the spores evenly over the area and then cover them with a thin layer of soil.

Finally, you will need to water the area well and then place the spawn in the center of the morel area. You can use a drill, screwdriver, or knife to make holes in the spawn. The holes should be about 1 inch deep and 1-2 inches apart. After the spawn is in place, cover it with a thin layer of soil.

You will need to keep the morel area moist by watering it regularly. The morels should start to fruit within 2 to 3 weeks.

If you do not see any mushrooms in your growing area after two weeks, repeat the process. If you do not follow these instructions correctly, there is a good possibility you will fail.

When to plant morel spores?

The best time to plant morel spores is in the early spring when the temperature is around 50 degrees F. But if you want to grow morels in hotter months, your best bet would be in late fall. This is because morels prefer cooler temperatures.

How often do you need to water morels?

Morels need to be watered regularly, especially when they are fruiting. If the temperature is hot, you will need to water morels every day. But if the temperature is cooler, you can water them every other day. You will know that morels are ready to harvest when the caps are about 3-4 inches wide. The best time to harvest morels is after the dew has evaporated in the morning.

Harvesting morels

You should harvest the morels by cutting the cap off the stem with a sharp knife. Make sure that at least half an inch of the stem is still attached to the cap. After harvesting the morels, you can store them in a cool, dry place. Morels can last up to 14 days when stored properly. You can also freeze morels. Blanch them in boiling water for 2 minutes and then place them in ice water. After they are cool, place them in a zipper-lock bag and freeze them. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Morels are a type of edible mushroom with a spongy, honeycomb-like cap. Morels are a popular ingredient in many dishes and are known for their earthy flavor. Morels can be challenging to find, but they can be grown in your backyard with a little bit of effort. It takes nearly 12 to 15 days for the morel spores to germinate. After the morels have germinated, it will take around 2 to 3 days for them to fruit. Morels will continue to fruit for 2 to 3 weeks.

You can plant morel spores in the early spring or late fall. Morels prefer cooler temperatures, so the late fall is the best time to cultivate morels if you live in a hotter climate.

Credit to : TheUrbanFarmingGuys

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